Thursday, December 10, 2015

Divorce and Remarriage

Getting a divorce is so common in today's society that rarely anyone even gives it a second thought when they hear about someone going through one. It's so common that its estimated that 50% of marriages will end in divorce. How sad it is to live in a world where the vows and bonds of a marriage can so easily be thrown away and disregarded!

We live in a time where people rarely know how to work at keeping something working anymore. When the going gets tough, people bail out instead of doing what it takes to stay together. Not only is this truth just a sad and unfortunate ordeal, its also extremely damaging to our children and future generation. 

Many children come from "broken homes", most of which grow up just fine. They are working, functioning, "normal" adults. But what people don't realize is all the negative impact divorce has on a child. Everything from failing in school to girls dating older men at a younger age has been linked to parental divorce. Many children who have parents who divorced are actually more likely to get a divorce themselves one day. 

There are of course instances where divorce is essential--abuse and infidelity being at the top of the list--however, we must teach our children and the rising generation that this is a LAST resort, an action taken ONLY after everything other option has been exhausted. 

Considering that 70% of people who divorce end up regretting it, wouldn't it be worth a little extra time and effort to patch up a few tears in a relationship rather than living with pain and regret from one that you let go? 

Thursday, December 3, 2015


What is the purpose of parenting? 

A question that many agree on, yet have different views on the best way to achieve that purpose. In my opinion, the purpose of parenting is to provide, protect, and teach your children. 

Your responsibility as a parent is to provide for the physical and emotional needs of the child. 

Your responsibility as a parent is to protect them from physical and (within reason) emotional harm. Of course, it is not possible-and probably actually damaging to their future-to protect them from everything that could EVER possibly hurt them emotionally.

Your responsibility as a parent is to TEACH them. I think this is one responsibility that is being put on the back burner more and more frequently today. Parents are turing to teachers and other important people in the child's life to raise them. But their are missing what I believe to be the most important part of being a parent! Being the primary person in the child's life, you have the greatest capability of shaping and molding them into the person that will one day go out into society as an adult. You teach them how to work, how to cope with emotions and stress, how to respect others. Without this so very important task, our children will be lost. 

I cannot wait to become a father and get to provide for them, protect them, and teach them.